- 2025.03.08
Como fazer mesa com resto de móveis #diy # facavocemesmo
Olá pessoal, hoje compartilho com vocês a confecção de uma mesa para costura. Espero que gostem.
Olá pessoal, hoje compartilho com vocês a confecção de uma mesa para costura. Espero que gostem.
Join Dan Berg from DIYeasycrafts as he guides you through the process of creating a stunning epoxy resin ocean wave outdoor table featuring a shipwreck-recovered porthole. In this detailed tutorial, D […]
ご相談はこちらから お問合わせ ➿0120-093-033 ☎011-788-3805 受付 9時~18時(火曜・水曜定休) _______________ 土屋グループのフルリフォーム・リノベーション専門会社 土屋ホームトピア 札幌中央支店・札幌マンション支店のチャンネルです。 このチャンネルでは 最新の施工事例や、意外と知らないリノベーションの裏側をお届け! 現在ま […]
デスクもPCも、自作は良いぞ ウッディヨネダ https://woodyyoneda-shop.com/ テーブル脚 https://a.r10.to/h5DY3a ケーブルトレー https://a.r10.to/hPhfjm ワトコオイル https://amzn.to/3EYEQiU 塗料カップ https://amzn.to/4ikFAgI 油性用刷毛 70mm https://amzn. […]
How To Make a Dining chair new Chair Design process work in Karachi pakistan #diy #diychair #diningchairdesign #homedecor #interiordesign #plywood #interior I will show you how to prepare all kinds of […]
ベコベコ状態になっていたオフィス(予定)の床。 今回床下に調湿剤を入れ、断熱材も入れ、いい感じに出来上がりました! エリク&ひなこ The floor of the (planned) office was badly damaged. We have now put humidity regulators under the floor and insulation and it looks g […]
✨【MIT工藝】✨朵拉3.5尺二抽書桌 官網看價格:https://lihi.cc/oCLcB —————– 商品尺寸 寬105深60高77公分 抽屜寬44深36高8公分 材質說明 外材:耐磨皮+美耐皿、 內材:木心板+夾板、 五金:鋼珠滑軌、 其他:黑烤漆鐵腳+旋轉腳粒、
#Best out of waste #Wall shelf #dishelf #Upcycling #shorts #youtubeshorts